Friday, June 03, 2005

The arse

It was hypnotic. Absolutely hypnotic. I couldn’t take me eyes off it and neither could she.

Stop looking she said I can’t I said. She paused. Neither can I she said.

The girl in front of us was walking in a determined fashion, striding almost. She was also wearing the pinkest tracksuit bottoms I had ever seen, and was evidently not scared of a pie or two. At the strike of the heel the wave of flesh would begin, travelling up the buttock until reaching it’s apotheosis at the apex of her stride, before descending the cheek again and repeating the process.

I’m sorry I said, but I can’t stop looking.

We had already gone past our intended stop. The plan, hatched in the glory of a bright spring morning, had been to find a pub with benches outside and stay there for a decent duration. We had nothing else to do that day so the drink it was to be. Until we saw the girl.

Her companion was equally ample, and proud of it in a midriff displaying top. I said something about it being a good thing that larger girls weren’t afraid to show it off a bit, how it was healthy that they didn’t feel as though they needed to conform to etc etc, to be honest half way through my theory I was boring myself, and my companion turned to me with an elegant raise of her eyebrow which to me said something very like shut up.

But now she was as hypnotised as I was.

On we walked in the beating sun, up past the church, and past two our three pubs which met our precise specifications. But we didn’t stop, we couldn’t stop. The oscillations had us in their grip. She said I don’t think oscillations is the right word, I said no matter.


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